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More Women Are Accusing Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct. Here’s Everything You Need to Know About the Scandal

7 minute read

Earlier this month, the Washington Post reported that Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore initiated a sexual encounter with 14-year-old Leigh Corfman when he was a 32-year-old district attorney. The Post investigation also quoted three other accusers who said that Moore pursued relationships with them when they were between the ages of 16 and 18.

Five other women have since come forward with their own allegations against Moore. The former Alabama state judge has denied the allegations and his campaign has vowed to stay in the Alabama Special Senate election. Moore’s wife, Kayla Moore, has also said her husband will not step down from the Senate race.

Some Republicans and Democrats have called on Moore to get out of the race, while his Democratic opponent, Doug Jones, has pulled ahead in the polls in Alabama, which is usually a conservative stronghold.

“I believe the women,” Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said. “I think he should step aside.”

Moore’s allegations come on the heels of a slew of cases in Hollywood, where public figures like Harvey Weinstein, Louis C.K., Kevin Spacey, and others have been accused of sexual harassment and assault.

Here’s a list of Moore’s accusers so far.

Leigh Corfman

The allegations: Leigh Corfman told the Washington Post that she met Moore in 1979 when she was just 14 years old. The then-district attorney offered to watch Corfman while her mother attended a custody hearing, she said, and he asked for her phone number when he was alone with her. Corfman said that days later, Moore drove her to his house and kissed her. During a second encounter, he allegedly took off her shirt and pants and touched her over her underwear and led her hands to touch him over his underwear. “I wanted it over with,” Corfman told the Post.

Moore’s response: “It never happened,” Moore said during an interview with Sean Hannity. “I don’t know Miss Corfman from anybody. I never talked to or never had any contact with her. Allegations of sexual misconduct with her are completely false. I believe they’re politically motivated.”

Wendy Miller

The allegations: Wendy Miller told the Post that she met Moore when she was 14 and working at Gadsden Mall. She claimed that Moore asked her out on dates when she was 16, but her mother forbid her from going out with Moore. Miller said that she was flattered at the time. “Now that I’ve gotten older, the idea that a grown man would want to take out a teenager, that’s disgusting to me,” she told the Post.

Moore’s response: In an interview on Hannity, Moore said he only recognized the names of Debbie Wesson Gibson and Gloria Thacker Deason. “It’s political,” Moore told Hannity of Miller and Corfman’s allegations. “It’s a direct attack on this campaign and it involves a 14-year-old girl, which I would have never had any contact with — nothing with her mother or any courthouse or anywhere else would I have done that.”

Debbie Wesson Gibson

The allegations: Debbie Wesson Gibson told the Post that Moore first asked her out in 1981, when she was 17, after he had spoken to her high school civics class. She said that they went on several dates over a period of two to three months, but they never did anything more than kiss. She said her mother approved of her going out with Moore.

Moore’s response: Moore told Hannity he didn’t remember speaking to her civics class, but said he knew Wesson Gibson and her parents. “I remember her as a good girl,” he said. “I know her, but I don’t remember going out on dates. I knew her as a friend. If we did go out on dates, then we did. But I don’t remember that.” (Later in the interview, Moore said that he dated “a lot of young ladies” after his return from the military, but said that he didn’t remember dating women who were much younger than him. He also added: “I don’t remember ever dating a girl without the permission of her mother.”)

Gloria Thacker Deason

The allegations: Gloria Thacker Deason told the Post that she met Moore when she was 18 at the department store where she worked at the Gadsden Mall. She said they dated on and off over several months, including dates where they drank wine. But she said that the relationship did not go beyond kissing. “My mom was really, really strict, and my curfew was 10:30, but she would let me stay out later with Roy,” she told the Post.

Moore’s response: Moore told Hannity that he never provided alcohol to a minor. “I seem to remember her as a good girl… I had some sort of knowledge of her parents, her mother in particular,” he said.

Beverly Young Nelson

The allegations: In a press conference on Nov. 13, Beverly Young Nelson said that Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was just 16. She claims that Moore offered to drive her home from her job waitressing at a restaurant and then groped her and forced her head toward his crotch. She said that she had first met Moore at the restaurant she worked at when she was 15. She said he frequently complimented her appearance and signed her yearbook with the note: “To a sweeter, more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Love Roy Moore, D.A.”

Moore’s response: During a press conference on Nov. 13, Moore denied her allegations. “I can tell you without hesitation, this is absolutely false,” Moore said. “I never did what she said I did. I don’t even know the woman. I don’t know anything about her. I don’t even know where the restaurant is or was.” Moore also denied signing her yearbook and called on Nelson to release the yearbook so a handwriting expert could examine it.

Tina Johnson

The allegations: Tina Johnson told AL.com that Moore groped her in 1991 when she visited his law office with her mother. Johnson, who was 28 years old at the time, said Moore complimented her appearance throughout the meeting and then grabbed her butt when her mother had left the room.

Moore’s response: Moore has not commented on Johnson’s specific allegations, but denies all of the allegations against him.

Gena Richardson

The allegations: In an interview with the Post published on Nov. 15, Gena Richardson said that she first met Moore at Gadsden Mall in 1977 either before or just after her 18th birthday. She said that she declined to give him her phone number, and Moore then called her at school to ask her out. After Moore allegedly attempted again to ask her out, she agreed to go on a date, Richardson said. At the end of the night, she said that Moore gave her an unwanted “forceful” kiss.

Moore’s response: Moore has not commented on Richardson’s allegations, but denies all of the allegations against him. “If you are a liberal and hate Judge Moore, apparently he groped you,” Moore’s campaign said in a statement to the Post. “If you are a conservative and love Judge Moore, you know these allegations are a political farce.”

Becky Gray

The allegations: Becky Gray told the Post in the story published Nov. 15 that she met Moore at Gadsden Mall, where she worked at the time, when she was 22. Gray said that Moore repeatedly asked her out, and that she consistently turned down his advances. She said she complained to her manager, who allegedly told her that it was “not the first time he had a complaint about him hanging out at the mall.”

Moore’s response: Moore has not commented on Gray’s allegations, but denies all of the allegations against him.

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Write to Samantha Cooney at samantha.cooney@time.com