• Politics

Why Bernie Sanders’ Health Care Bill is a Risk

3 minute read

As progressive Democrats introduced single-payer healthcare legislation this week, many in the party are shaking their heads at what proponents are calling a “litmus test” for 2020 candidates. The dead-on-arrival bill has more than a dozen Democratic supporters in the Senate—and its support among the general public is far from enthusiastic—but the measure represents the lasting influence of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren on the party, shifting it leftward at a time of great opportunity. With Republicans deeply divided over President Trump, Democrats may create a new rift among their supporters and candidates. As seemingly every Democrat with a pulse is keeping their eyes on the next presidential race, the party is risking putting primary politics ahead of national success.

Trump brings back ‘both sides.’ Harvard’s Chelsea Manning controversy. Tech worries about anti-trafficking bill. And Schumer is caught on a hot mic.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

Rank-and-File Remain Skeptical of DACA Deal
‘He’ll Go Back on His Word.’ [TIME]

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”The University Has Coddled Students Too Long.’ [TIME]

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Rhetoric doesn’t match facts [NBC]

Trump and Democrats Strike DACA Deal. Yes? No? Sort of?
Trump’s world can be confusing. [Washington Post]

Sound Off

“DACA now and the wall very soon, but the wall will happen” — President Trump to reporters Thursday

“If the Republicans don’t stick together then I’m going to have to do more and more.” — Trump sending a warning to his party that he may cut more deal with Democrats

BONUS: “People in Kentucky took this stuff very seriously. Being a New Yorker, I don’t have any interest in watching the eclipse.” —Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, under fire for requesting a government plane for his European honeymoon, defending himself from questions about whether he used a government plane to view the eclipse last month.

Bits and Bites

Here’s Everything President Trump Has Ever Said About DACA [TIME]

President Trump’s Favorite Dodge to a Tough Question: “What About…?” [TIME]

Hillary Clinton Just Clapped Back at President Trump’s Tweet With an Offer [TIME]

CIA Director Mike Pompeo Cancels Harvard Appearance Over Chelsea Manning Hire [TIME]

Harvard Kennedy School rescinds invite for Chelsea Manning to serve as visiting fellow [Boston Globe]

Chuck Schumer Overheard on Hot Mic: President Trump ‘Likes Me’ [TIME]

Ryan to impanel informal GOP working group on DACA [Politico]

Facebook Enabled Advertisers to Reach ‘Jew Haters’ [ProPublica]

Trump Signals He Will Choose Approach on Iran That Preserves Nuclear Deal [New York Times]

Trump Resurrects His Claim That Both Sides Share Blame in Charlottesville Violence [New York Times]

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