Watch a Skydiver Almost Get Hit By A Meteorite

2 minute read

Whenever a wolf or a coyote creeps into a suburban backyard, someone is bound to mention that as humans spread out across the planet, wild animals have no place to go. Asteroids don’t really have that same excuse. Yet a Norwegian skydiver claims he was nearly hit by a flying space rock during a recent air jump and he has it on video.

Back in 2012, Oslo Parachute Club member Anders Helstrup jumped from a plane with two camera strapped to his helmet. He opened his parachute and glided down to earth, but felt something was off. “I got the feeling that there was something, but I didn’t register what was happening,” Helstrup explained to When he went back to review the footage he had captured, he realized what it was: A rock was hurtling at him. From above.

He was perplexed and contacted the Natural History Museum in Oslo for assistance. The experts confirmed his suspicion. “It can’t be anything else. The shape is typical of meteorites – a fresh fracture surface on one side, while the other side is rounded,” said geologist Hans Amundsen to

According to the article, the search is on to find the meteorite on the ground. However if this is all a hoax, it should be fairly hard to track down.

[Via NRK]

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