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Texas Wendy’s Responds to Store That Called Mascot a ‘Redhead With No Soul’

2 minute read

A sign battle between a Texas Wendy’s and the Pure Water and Tea Company store across the street went viral Wednesday, and the friendly battle of wits is only heating up.

Since last month, the local businesses have been facing off against each other by slinging witty insults back and forth across the road in the city of Lubbock.

“You want beef, Wendy’s? You’ve got it,” read the Pure Water sign that started it all. Wendy’s comeback: “Come through and get served — you deserve it!” Gauntlets thrown.

It only got funnier from there, as images of the brawl between burger-flipping wordsmiths and their tea-brewing opponents scored attention online, where a good sign feud is widely appreciated.

Wendy’s shift manager Natalie Boswell says things started to feel personal when Pure Water upped the ante with its latest sign. “They got us with the last one,” she told TIME. The sign was a stab at the Wendy’s mascot, calling her a “redhead with no soul.”

But employees of both stores confirm it’s all good-natured fun. “It’s been really fun to come up with what we’re going to say next when they have a comeback,” Boswell said. As for how it will end, she was confident in her staff: “We will win.”

The general manager who oversees Pure Water and Tea Company, Byron Gray, also said the staff has nothing against their neighbors at Wendy’s. “I think people just ran out of things to say, so it’s pretty innocent,” he said. “As long as they don’t get ugly, I’ll let it go on, and we’ll both keep going.”

See the history of the feud below.

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