President Trump’s Approval Rating Hits New Low in Yet Another Poll

2 minute read

President Donald Trump’s approval rating has dropped to its lowest point since he was inaugurated in January, a new poll has found.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll published Friday found that just 38% of American adults approve of Trump, while 56% disapprove. The remaining 6% said that they had “mixed feelings” about the president.

The survey was taken between May 14 and May 18, a whirlwind period in which Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey and reports of the president’s disclosure of highly-classified information to Russian officials dominated the news cycle.

Another recent poll conducted by Politico and Morning Consult found that 53% of respondents disapproved of the job Trump is doing as president, while only 41% approved, the lowest rating in that poll since he took office.

Trump has tried to justify his decision to fire Comey and defend his recent comments to Russian officials, which were legal despite public outcry, but the incidents appear to be dampening his popularity. Even Republican voters are starting to show frustration, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll, as 23% said they disapproved of Trump — up from 16% in the same poll from last week.

The Reuters poll was conducted online in English across the United States with 1,971 adult respondents, including 721 Republicans and 795 Democrats. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points for the entire group and 4 points for the Democrats and Republicans.

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