Fearless Blizzard Hero Martha Stewart Drives Her Own Snow Plow

1 minute read

Martha Stewart does it all. She bakes. She gardens. She raises livestock. She arranges flowers. She hosts TV shows, helms a massive multimedia and retail empire, and—now we know—she even plows her own snow-filled driveway.

On Thursday, as many parts of the East Coast were hit by a heavy snowstorm, Stewart shared a photo of herself behind the wheel of a giant truck equipped with a plow apparatus on the front. Martha is no stranger to putting in the work; she regularly shares her acumen at everything from sharpening garden tools to using a hoverboard, so of course she was fearless in the face of a little blizzard, knowing full well that there’s nothing a woman armed with the right equipment isn’t capable of doing herself.

Unfortunately, she might have bit off a little more than she could chew in this instance, as she got stuck.

“Darn,” indeed. We have no doubt, however, that Martha will figure out a fix for her snowy situation in short order.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com