Morning Must Reads: April 2

2 minute read

  • “Defying the United States and Israel, the Palestinian leadership formally submitted applications on Wednesday to join 15 international agencies, leaving the troubled Middle East talks brokered by Secretary of State John Kerry on the verge of breakdown.” [NYT]
  • “A mighty 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern Chile late Tuesday, triggering small landslides, cutting power and generating a tsunami.” [CNN]
  • “President Barack Obama, applauding the news that 7.1 million people signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, set the stage Tuesday for Democrats to move beyond the law’s rocky rollout and go on the offense.” [WSJ]
    • All the President’s Celebrities: How the White House Used Stars to Sell Obamacare [TIME]
    • “Back in the fall, conservatives seized on the flubbed Obamacare rollout as proof that President Barack Obama’s brand of liberalism doesn’t work. Now, the law’s opponents aren’t about to say that critique was wrong — but they’ve lost the best evidence they had.” [Politico]
  • “Congress is sending President Barack Obama a bill to provide $1 billion in loan guarantees to cash-poor Ukraine and take punitive measures against Russia for its annexation of part of the former Soviet republic.” [AP]
  • “House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan on Tuesday released his fiscal year 2015 budget, in which he cuts $5.1 trillion in spending, mostly from health care, to balance the budget by 2024.” [TIME]
    • Ryan Budget is High-Risk, Modest-Reward Strategy in an Election Year [Roll Call]
  • “Muriel E. Bowser, a low-key but politically canny District lawmaker, won the Democratic mayoral nomination Tuesday, emerging from a pack of challengers in a low-turnout primary to deny scandal-tarnished incumbent Vincent C. Gray a second term.” [WashPost]
  • All the President’s Celebrities: How the White House Used Stars to Sell Obamacare [TIME]
  • “Back in the fall, conservatives seized on the flubbed Obamacare rollout as proof that President Barack Obama’s brand of liberalism doesn’t work. Now, the law’s opponents aren’t about to say that critique was wrong — but they’ve lost the best evidence they had.” [Politico]
  • Ryan Budget is High-Risk, Modest-Reward Strategy in an Election Year [Roll Call]
  • More Must-Reads from TIME

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