FEC Dings Trump Campaign Over $1.3 Million in Donations

1 minute read

The Federal Election Commission reportedly found the Donald Trump campaign accepted over 1,000 donations that violated some campaign finance laws.

The FEC issued a letter to the campaign indicating that they had accepted about 1,100 problematic donations, totaling about $1.3 million. Some of the donations came from groups that had not properly registered, according to a letter sent to the campaign, while others were from donors that exceeded donation limits. The Hill newspaper first reported on the letter Monday.

Trump is hardly the first politician who has received such a letter. Earlier in the 2016 election, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders received a series of letters indicating his small-dollar and online donors had exceeded contribution limits. One letter the Atlantic magazine reported on in May indicated Sanders had received 1,500 faulty contributions. CNN reports President Obama has received similar notices from the FEC.



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