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DMX to Fight George Zimmerman in Celebrity Boxing Match

2 minute read

Now for some news that will make you lose your mind (up in here, up in here): Rapper DMX is slated to fight George Zimmerman, the former neighborhood watchman who was found not guilty in the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman — who told Radar Online last month that boxing was his hobby even prior to the “incident”— has been trolling for a celebrity to step into the ring with him ever since Damon Feldman, owner of Celebrity Boxing, opened his inbox to potential opponents. “The news has been out for an hour and my e-mail is overloaded with 8,000 people wanting to fight George,” Feldman told CNN.

It turned out there are a lot of people eager to go a few rounds with Zimmerman, who was acquitted in the February 2012 “incident” in which he shot dead the unarmed Martin. Out of a final pool of 15,000 applicants, Feldman chose to put Zimmerman in the ring with rapper DMX.

Now that the match up is set, the rapper is out for blood. He told TMZ, “I am going to beat the living f–k out him … I am breaking every rule in boxing to make sure I f–k him right up.” While the 43 year old rapper intends to win, Zimmerman, 30, has been training for months. Luckily, the Twitterverse has a few ideas to even the odds:

The date, time, and location of the three-round fight will be announced at a news conference next Wednesday.

MORE: George Zimmerman’s Paintings: A Critical Appraisal

MORE: DMX Crashing a Wedding Party Is Gonna Make You Lose Your Mind (Up In Here, Up In Here)

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