Anthony Bourdain Has Settled the Hot Dog Question Once and For All

1 minute read

In recent years, there has been heated debate around the age-old question: Is a hot dog a sandwich?

Finally, we have an answer from someone who ought to know. In a Reddit AMA on Tuesday, a fan posed the question to celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain. “I’ve noticed this question coming up again and again,” he wrote. “No. I don’t think it’s a sandwich. I don’t think a hamburger is a sandwich either. The fact that it’s in between bread–the bread is a delivery system, a ballistic delivery system. It is not a classic sandwich, in my view.”

“I mean,” he continued, “if you were to talk into any vendor of fine hot dogs, and ask for a hot dog sandwich, they would probably report you to the FBI. As they should.”

Hear ye, hear ye: Let it be known that on this the 20th of September, 2016, Anthony Bourdain has ruled decisively that a hot dog is not a sandwich.

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