• Politics

Hillary Clinton Pulls Ahead of Donald Trump in Post-Convention Poll

1 minute read

Donald Trump enjoyed a post-convention boost in the polls last month, and now it’s Hillary Clinton’s turn. In a new poll by CNN/ORC, the Democratic nominee leads 52% to 43% in a two-way face-off.

When the contest is expanded to four candidates, including Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, Clinton still leads 45% to Trump’s 37%, Johnson’s 9% and Stein’s 5%.

Nearly half of registered voters said watching or reading about the Democratic National Convention made them feel more likely to support Clinton, compared with 39% who said it turned them off. After the Republican National Convention, 42% of registered voters said they’re more likely to vote for Trump based on what they saw or read, compared with 44% who said they’re less likely.

The poll was conducted by telephone from July 29 to 31 and included 1,003 adults, 894 of whom were registered voters. The margin of sampling error among registered voters was plus or minus 3.5%.

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