• Politics

Hillary Clinton Snaps Photos With Voters — and Carly Fiorina’s Husband

3 minute read

Hillary Clinton often wishes she had more time to talk with voters between photo-snapping rounds, bemoaning the “tyranny of the selfie.”

But that didn’t stop the Democratic candidate from spending the morning of the New Hampshire primary visiting polling places, taking awkwardly angled portraits with residents in a last-ditch effort to win votes. Clinton’s shutter-snapping tour led to jokes about the definition of “going viral,” Kim Kardashian’s selfie technique and even a chance encounter (and photo) with the husband of her sworn GOP critic, Carly Fiorina.

Clinton ran into Frank Fiorina at the end of a line of volunteers during a Monday visit to a Darry, N.H., polling place, her third of the morning. “Do you remember me?” Fiorina asked. “I sure do!” Clinton said, as they shook hands.

Frank’s wife and the only female candidate running for the GOP nomination, Carly Fiorina, has not said nice things about Clinton. She has compared the former Secretary of State to the Mexican drug lord El Chapo and said Clinton “spent her entire life on a quest for power.”

But no hard feelings: the photo happened anyway. “Well, give my best to Carly. Want to get a picture?” Clinton said. “I certainly will,” Fiorina said. They posed, smiled and snapped.

Clinton, who has been enthusiastic about the New Hampshire voting process despite being forecast to lose on Tuesday to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, also made small talk with her rival’s spouse and found common ground on the primary process. “It is such an amazing, wonderful part of democracy,” Clinton said. “It is, look at these folks all out here, it’s amazing,” Fiorina agreed.

Clinton’s morning also included two earlier stops at polling places, and even more photos. At a Parker Varney School in Manchester, Clinton saw two men she had met at the café a day prior. One of them said he had forgotten to ask for her picture and was envious because his friend had gotten a photo that “went viral.”

“You went viral?” Clinton asked the lucky friend. “That sounds like some kind of disease.”

At Fairgrounds Middle School in Nashua, Clinton stopped at a group of young women volunteers and offered to take a selfie with them. “I’ve got so many different styles of selfies,” Clinton told them. “I feel like I could like write a guide.”

Then she recalled the moment when she took a selfie with Kim Kardashian at a fundraiser in August (unexplained was Kanye West’s appearance in the photo) and explained the sophisticated light setup on the reality star’s phone.

“Wow,” said the volunteer. “Now I know her secrets.”

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