• Politics

Hillary Clinton Says She’s ‘Not in the Pocket of Anyone’

2 minute read

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said she’s the Democrat who can keep the White House in the “right hands” just hours before the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucus on Monday. Clinton found herself again defending her record on Wall Street as the Sanders campaign upped the attack ads about her position, saying she’s in the pocket of big banks.

“Any body who knows me knows I’m not in the pocket of anyone,” Clinton told CBS This Morning from Iowa.

The latest Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics poll, shows Clinton with a slim lead on her democratic rival Sen. Bernie Sanders among likely Democratic caucus goers. Clinton had 45% support, according to the last poll, with Sanders at 42%.

Clinton called herself a “progressive who likes to get things done” on CBS Monday morning, in response to a question about a potential win from Sanders. Sanders has said a really large turnout at the Iowa caucus would work in his favor, but Clinton seems to believe a swollen turnout would work well for her, too.

“It really does come down to who comes out,” Clinton said, after saying her campaign knocked on 125,000 doors in Iowa over the weekend. “We really do want every body to come out and be a part of this.”

After Iowa, Clinton said she’s moving on to New Hampshire where she says voters may turn out for their “neighbor” Bernie Sanders, but she’s confident she can pull through. “I believe that I’m the Democrat who can make sure we keep the White House in the right hands moving forward,” she said.

Read more: Inside the Clinton Plan to Beat Bernie Sanders on Caucus Night

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