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What Bill Cosby Said About His Alleged Victim Under Oath

3 minute read

Bill Cosby was charged with aggravated indecent assault on Wednesday for allegations that he drugged and sexually assaulted a woman at his Pennsylvania home in 2004.

The accuser, former Temple University employee Andrea Constand, was allegedly drugged with multiple pills and assaulted by Cosby at his home. She said she had previously refused multiple sexual advances made by him.

A deposition of testimony from Cosby made 10 years ago was released in July after it was obtained by the New York Times. In the deposition, Cosby talks about his relationship with Constand, and admits to obtaining quaaludes to have sex with women.

As the Times reported in July, Cosby described his relationship with Constand as that of a mentor, and that he wooed her by “Inviting her to my house, talking to her about personal situations dealing with her life, growth, education.” As the newspaper reported:

MORE: Why Bill Cosby Admitted Under Oath to Getting Drugs to Have Sex With Women

Early on in his courtship, he arranged an intimate meal alone with her at his Pennsylvania home, complete with Cognac, dimmed lights and a fire, he said. At one point he led her to his back porch, out of sight from his chef. “I take her hair and I pull it back and I have her face like this,” he said. “And I’m talking to her …And I talked to her about relaxing, being strong. And I said to her, come in, meaning her body.”

But the two remained inches apart, he said, and he did not try to kiss her because he did not sense she wanted him to. Nevertheless, at the next dinner he said they had what he described as a “sexual moment,” short of intercourse. He described her afterward as having “a glow.”

Also in the deposition, Cosby said that one night he had given Constand one and a half tablets of Benadryl to relieve stress, and that they kissed and had sexual contact. As New York reports, a civil lawsuit filed by Constand says Cosby “touched her breasts and vaginal area, rubbed his penis against her hand, and digitally penetrated” her. Later on, Cosby says he spoke to Constand’s mother on the telephone since she was upset about what her daughter said happened to her. The Times writes:

During the call, Mr. Cosby told the deposing lawyers, he wanted Ms. Constand to tell her mother “about the orgasm” so that she would realize it was consensual.

“Tell your mother about the orgasm. Tell your mother how we talked,” he said he remembered thinking.

Cosby eventually offered to pay for Constand’s education.

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