• Politics

6 Things We Learned From Hillary Clinton’s Facebook Q&A

3 minute read

Hillary Clinton took to Facebook on Monday to engage with her supporters online, hosting a question-and-answer session on subjects that ranged from mundane to wonky. The second Q&A session of Clinton’s campaign, it was a chance for the Democratic frontrunner to engage her supporters online and show a playful side.

Clinton received some 1,500 questions by the time the session was over. Below are six takeaways from the session.

1) Clinton attacked Jeb Bush and Republicans for “lecturing people of color.” Last week, Jeb Bush received criticism for saying that Republicans need to offer African-Americans a message of hopefulness, not “free stuff.” On Facebook, Clinton shot back, comparing Bush’s language to Mitt Romney’s incendiary “47%” comment in 2012.

“That kind of rhetoric is deeply insulting, whether it comes from Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney or Donald Trump,” Clinton wrote. “I think people are seeing this for what it is: Republicans lecturing people of color instead of offering real solutions to help people get ahead, including facing up to hard truths about race and justice in America.”

2) Clinton has flip-flopped regarding pumpkin spice lattes. When one questioner asked Clinton whether she is a “pumpkin spice latte kind of gal,” Clinton admitted her views have changed. “Ha! The true answer is I used to be until I saw how many calories are in them,” she said.

3) Surprise: Clinton doesn’t like Marco Rubio’s family leave plan. Clinton, along with the other Democrats running for president, has been a proponent of requiring businesses to provide paid family leave. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has proposed a plan to encourage family leave through tax incentives. Clinton said that’s not enough. “Just last week, Senator Rubio offered a plan that would offer no guarantee and would do little to provide leave for those who don’t already have it,” Clinton said. “As President, I would make guaranteed paid family leave a reality in the United States.”

4) She challenged the controversial former hedge fund manager turned pharmaceutical CEO. When media reported last week that hedge fund manager named Martin Shkreli had purchased a drug company and increased the price of an infection-treating drug by 4,000%, Clinton drew attention to the case as part of her proposal to control prescription drug costs. And on Monday, she called Shkreli out by name, demanding he lower the price of the medication, Daraprim.

“So Mr. Shkreli, what’s it going to be?” Clinton said on Facebook. “Do the right thing. Lower the cost today to its original price.”

5) She celebrated her granddaughter’s birthday on Saturday. Clinton was in New York fundraising this weekend ahead of the quarterly deadline on Sept. 30, after which she’ll announce her financials—an important benchmark of her campaign’s progress. But somewhere in between, she found time to have a cake for her 1-year-old granddaughter, Charlotte. “We had a birthday party for her when she turned 1 on Saturday and she had her first taste of cake,” Clinton said. “She’s such a wonderful little person.”

6) She said she may be in favor of new pharmaceutical company requirements. In addition to a bevy of proposals to regulate big pharma released last week, Clinton said that she would be in favor of requiring not only that pharmaceutical companies invest in research and development, but that companies produce generic versions of drugs. “And—a new idea to chew on—let’s explore using some of these new research funds to invest directly in producing generic competitors where none exists,” Clinton said.

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