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The Target Customer Service Troll Is Back to Defend Rainbow Doritos

2 minute read

Earlier this summer, Mike Melgaard created a fake Target customer service account to troll shoppers who were complaining on the company’s Facebook page about its decision to stop labeling toys as “boys” or “girls” toys.

Now Melgaard has pulled off a similar stunt, this time provoking the snackers who were outraged that Doritos launched a line of rainbow chips as a part of a new campaign to support LGBT youth through the It Gets Better project. The account was quickly shut down, but not before Melgaard managed to reply to upset customers with snarky responses under the username “Doritos ForHelp.”

When one 60-year-old Doritos fan threatened to “never buy another of your long line of products,” and he answered, ‘Unfortunately, you are well passed what we in the business like to call our ‘customer demographic.’ Your world views are just too outdated for our business model.”

When another chastised the company on the grounds that “corporations have no business promoting political agendas,” Melgaard replied, “What is funny is that with the ruling of Citizens United in 2010, corporations very much DO have business in promoting political agendas. Now, how is helping youth from committing suicide ‘taking a political stance?’”

On his personal Facebook, Melgaard took a more serious tone, writing that “anyone being “upset” over this issue is really just slowing down the collective progress for all of humanity. And you’re doing it for no reason other than your personal bias.”

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Write to Nolan Feeney at nolan.feeney@time.com