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John Oliver Becomes a Televangelist and Finally Starts His Own Church

2 minute read

John Oliver is officially a church.

Upon finding out about mega-churches like those led by Kenneth Copeland and Robert Tilton, which earn millions of dollars every year but are exempt from paying taxes, Last Week Tonight host John Oliver did the only logical thing—he formed his own church. Specifically, he formed, Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption.

With a little help from Sister Wanda Jo Oliver, played by former Saturday Night Live star Rachel Dratch, Oliver’s church will collect copious donations while encouraging congregants to silently meditate on the nature of fraudulent churches.

To aid his followers in making their donations, Oliver delivered his ministrations right through the TV screen asking viewers with lupus to lay their hands on their television and pray with him—and then donate to his church.

The church looks to be completely real with services held every Sunday at 11pm on HBO and, naturally, donation boxes always open.

Those who choose to donate to Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption should be sure to read the fine print, though, which says that the church “may choose to wind down and dissolve in the near future. Upon dissolution, any assets belonging to the Church at that time will be distributed to Doctors Without Borders, a non-profit charitable organization that is tax-exempt under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN: 13-3433452) and which provides emergency medical aid in places where it is needed most.”

For more information, Pastor Oliver encouraged his most devout and devoted viewers to call a special number to hear a message for the masses:

Read next: Watch John Oliver Conscript Nick Offerman, Laverne Cox and Others For a Sex Ed Video

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