Rabbits Are Disabling Cars at Denver Airport

1 minute read

Correction appended, July 6, 2015

Cars parked at the Denver International Airport are under siege by a bunch of furry menaces.

According to USA Today, one airport pilot was stranded at the airport when rabbits chewed through his transmission cables, resulting in a over $400 bill. In the past rabbits from the surrounding prairie lands have hopped into the parking lot and chewed up wiring under cars, sometimes causing thousands of dollars in damage. In prior years, the U.S. Agriculture Department’s Wildlife Services in Denver has removed around 100 rabbits every month from the area.

Some believe the rabbits are seeking shelter under the cars for warmth. The airport is has tried solutions like adding additional fencing and perches for hawks.

[USA Today]

Correction: An earlier version of this article referenced and linked to an outdated article.

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