Check Out Hillary Clinton’s First Instagram

2 minute read

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner in the 2016 presidential election, launched an Instagram account Wednesday. Her first post is a photo of red, white and blue pantsuits with the caption “Hard Choices” — which is also the title of her memoir. The former Secretary of State modestly describes herself as a “Doting grandmother, among other things.”

The account already racked up more than 32,000 followers at the time of publication — more than any of the other 2016 candidates with verified accounts on the social network, such as Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Senator Rand Paul (R-KY),Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R), retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (R).

Having a presence on Instagram is an opportunity to engage with college-aged and 20-something voters, as “53% of young adults ages 18-29 now use the service,” according to Pew Research Center’s Jan. 2015 report on the demographics of social networking platforms. The study also says “women are particularly likely to be on Instagram, along with Hispanics and African-Americans, and those who live in urban or suburban environments.”

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Meet Hillary Clinton’s Official Campaign Photographer

Formal Portrait
President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton prepare for a formal portrait in the East Room of the White House on the evening of the President's second inauguration, Jan. 20, 1997. Barbara Kinney, The White House
Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and King of Jordan Hussein bin Talal take a cue from President Bill Clinton, all adjusting their ties before the ceremony to sign an accord expanding Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank, Sept. 28, 1995.Barbara Kinney, The White House
President Clinton in a limousine with George Stephanopoulos and Wendy Smith, signing autographs during a Presidential tripBarbara Kinney, The White House
Hillary Clinton does a last-minute touchup in the Blue Room before the 1996 National Governors Association dinner as longtime butler James Jeffries stands nearby, Feb. 4, 1996. Barbara Kinney, The White House
President Clinton in the Oval Office after an event on the South Lawn.Barbara Kinney, The White House
First Ladies (from left to right) Nancy Reagan, Lady Bird Johnson, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Rosalynn Carter, Betty Ford, and Barbara Bush at the "National Garden Gala, A Tribute to America's First Ladies", May 11, 1994. Barbara Kinney, The White House
Hillary Rodham Clinton meets with Mother Teresa at the opening of the Mother Teresa Home for Infant Children in Washington, D.C., June 19, 1995. Barbara Kinney, The White House
The first time President Clinton met Buddy, the chocolate lab that became the family's pet. He took the dog on a walk around the South Lawn. "I asked the President if I could accompany them so I could take photos," says Barbara Kinney.Barbara Kinney, The White House
Chelsea at Ballet
Chelsea Clinton at a ballet recital at the Washington School of Ballet in Washington, DC. Barbara Kinney, The White House
President Clinton in his secretary's outer office next to the Oval Office.Barbara Kinney, The White House
Secretary of state Madeleine Albright briefs First Lady Hillary Clinton in a ladies room during a trip to Prague, 1997. Barbara Kinney, The White House
Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama meeting unexpectedly in the back hall of the Washington convention center, the day after the last primary elections when it had become apparent that Obama had the most delegate votes, yet Clinton had not conceded.Barbara Kinney, The White House
Hillary Clinton's concession speech at the National Building Museum in Washington DC. The place was packed with her supporters as she gave her "18 Million Cracks in the Ceiling" speech.Barbara Kinney
Sen. Hillary Clinton works on remarks in a back room during the 2008 campaign.Barbara Kinney
President Clinton and Hillary Clinton on the campaign plane, heading back to Washington after one of her last campaign stops.Barbara Kinney
Sen. Hillary Clinton responding to press questions at a tense time during the primary elections in 2008.Barbara Kinney
A campaign stop in Puerto Rico during the 2008 presidential elections. It's tradition that candidates ride through town on a truck with music blaring.Barbara Kinney
Sen. Hillary Clinton greeting supporters after a speech on the campaign in Hidalgo, Texas.Barbara Kinney
Chelsea and Hillary at CGIU
Chelsea Clinton and her mother, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, share a moment backstage at the Clinton Global Initiative University meeting at Arizona State University in Tempe, Ariz., March 22, 2014. Barbara Kinney
From left to right: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Dorothy Rodham and Chelsea Clinton pose for formal photos after the wedding. Chelsea Clinton was married to Marc Mezvinsky at Astor Court in Rhinebeck, NY on July 31, 2010. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Barbara Kinney
From left to right: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Dorothy Rodham and Chelsea Clinton pose for formal photos after the Chelsea's wedding at Astor Court at Rhinebeck, N.Y., July 31, 2010. Barbara Kinney
Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama behind the scenes at the 2012 Democratic Convention.Barbara Kinney
At a Clinton Global Initiative meeting. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chelsea take a selfie.Barbara Kinney
Hillary Clinton visits the Iowa State Capitol. April 15, 2015.Barbara Kinney—
Hillary Clinton visits Capital City Fruit Company in Norwalk, Iowa. April 15, 2015. Barbara Kinney—
Hillary Clinton visits Jones Street Java House in Le Claire, Iowa. April 14, 2015.Barbara Kinney—
Hillary Clinton visits the Iowa State Capitol. April 15, 2015Barbara Kinney—

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