Joss Whedon Tweets That Jurassic World Looks Sexist

1 minute read

Joss Whedon is beloved by fans for his fully-fleshed, true-to-life female characters—so when he calls a movie sexist, feminists are likely to listen.

The Buffy creator took to Twitter to criticize a new clip from Jurassic World that, in his view, relies on some nasty female stereotypes.

In the scene, Chris Pratt’s character mocks Bryce Dallas Howard’s character for bringing an itinerary to a first date they shared and refusing to drink tequila because she was on a diet. He then implies that she’s not in touch with natural physical impulses like eating, hunting and reproducing—unlike the dinosaurs that are about to terrorize the park.

Will the writing redeem itself in the context of the full film? Fans can find out when Jurassic World hits theaters June 12. Or there’s always Whedon’s own action film, Avengers: Age of Ultron, out May 1.

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