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What You Said About …

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“Is she Teflon Hillary?” asked Fox News’ Eric Bolling in a discussion of David Von Drehle’s widely covered March 23 story on Clinton’s prospects in the wake of controversy surrounding her private email use. The story sparked hundreds of letters and comments and also lively chatter on Twitter, where self-described “conservative” reader John Sykes called it a “major indictment.” Supporters of the Democratic front runner, like reader Susan McDonnell, also praised the piece. “I was insulted by Clinton’s disingenuous arguments for circumventing federal records regulations,” she wrote. Added Charles Evans of Mayfield, Ky.: “The article confirms, in my opinion at least, that we need some new faces in office be it Democrat or Republican.”

Others were struck more by Clinton’s fumbled response than by the mistakes regarding her email use (which many viewed as business as usual in politics). “Bill Clinton could have walked into that presser and convinced us all to somehow have empathy for him,” said Jedidiah Bila on Fox’s The Five. “She’s not good at this. Whoever coached her on that appearance should be fired.”

Many also questioned whether Clinton was being targeted unfairly. “Hillary’s deep intellect and steadfast commitment to public service are the yardsticks by which she should be judged,” wrote Karen Pierce, a neuroscience professor at the University of California at San Diego. Added K. Abel of San Jose, Calif.: “The ‘experts’ stating that querying on emails is ‘haphazard’ and that all 62K mails should be gone through manually, really ought to step into the 21st century.”

And some took issue with the cover itself. TIME’s previous cover featured the “Bush men, outside in the daylight looking handsome, young, and casual,” wrote Ellen Hayes of Colchester, Vt. “This week I see Hillary looking downward in silhouette, with a dark background.” That sentiment was amplified on social media, on which some people said they saw horns appearing to rise from Clinton’s head. TIME’s response–that more than 30 cover subjects have had similar placement under the M in TIME’s logo, as seen at time.com/horncovers–did not convince Elizabeth Lake of Ludowici, Ga., who wrote, “So who gets to wear the not-so-subliminal halo in the next cover shoot?”


Josh Sanburn’s feature on the rise of clutter in American homes prompted some inward reflection. “The retailing industry has successfully redirected the perception of self-esteem from our accomplishments to our possessions,” lamented Steven Artigas of Westerly, R.I. Added Brian Fallon: “Great, the first thing I did after reading the article on clutter is to order another book: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” And what about the effect of so much stuff on the environment? asked Carole Cernuto of Canoga Park, Calif. “Owning 100 pairs of shoes is an obscenity,” she wrote.


For a Commentary essay, Bryan Walsh interviewed Harvard political scientist Joseph Nye, who believes the U.S. is and will remain geopolitically dominant as long as it stays open to immigrants and political difference. That view is “dangerously misleading–particularly in the realm of military affairs,” wrote John Arquilla, professor and chair of defense analysis at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. Citing the “small, smart weapons” and stealthier techniques used by China and other superpowers, Arquilla added, “Until energized by fresh operating concepts, they will run up costs and casualties until the American public steps in and says, ‘Enough!'”


Joel Stein’s column about dropping his cable-TV company struck a powerful chord. “I laughed and laughed. I have sooo been there,” wrote Doris Cundiff of Portage, Ind. “Whatever you are paying Joel Stein,” suggested Martha Foster of Norman, Okla., “double it.”


Fans had one objection to a sidebar on “the women who kept the fairy-tale femme relevant” in Richard Corliss’s review of Disney’s Cinderella: omitting Lesley Ann Warren’s portrayal in the 1965 TV version. “How could you?” asked Allyn Simon. Warren is “the single most important Cinderella,” wrote Tony Seger of Southfield, Mich., adding, “Thank you for the opportunity to be 9 again.”


Our TIME.com series has expanded from health to technology (including recent topics below). For more, visit time.com/youasked.

What Can I Do When My iPhone’s Battery is Dying?

1 Turn off cellular data. This will cut your iPhone off from wireless Internet service–meaning you’ll be without access to email or iMessage–but you’ll still be able to make calls and send and receive regular SMS texts.

2 Go into airplane mode. This will disable all communications while cutting down dramatically on battery usage. (You should also do this when you don’t have service for a while, say, in a subway tunnel.)

3 Lower your brightness. That’ll make your iPhone harder to read, but powering a bright screen eats up a whole lot of your iPhone’s battery power.

What is Yik Yak?

1 Currently used at 1,500 college campuses, Yik Yak is a fast-growing mobile social network that allows users to write text posts–called yaks–entirely anonymously.

2 Like Facebook, it was designed for college students: the app is geofenced to prevent use outside the range. Users vote up or down on posts, comment and create conversation threads.

3 Yik Yak has its detractors because of potential snags its founders are working to address. Among them are cyberbullying and use of the app by kids in high school.

How Does 3-D Printing Work?

1 Engineer Chuck Hull invented 3-D printing in 1983 using UV lights to form shapes out of resin. As with 2-D printing, a digital file is created and submitted to a device and the product is output; it may require some finishing touches when done.

2 Stereolithography (SLA) machines, the first iteration of 3-D printing, are used commercially–and can take days to print. The more consumer-friendly method involves melting plastic layer by layer.

3 Edible-printing technology, which can print peanut butter and cheese using organic compounds, wowed at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show. Up next in edibles: chocolate creations.


It’s rare to get a glimpse inside North Korea, especially if you’re a photojournalist. That’s what makes Eddo Hartmann’s access so remarkable; the Dutchman was able to snap dozens of pictures of Pyongyang’s supersize statues and grandiose city squares. See more on lightbox.time.com.


In March 1959, just a few months before Hawaii became America’s 50th state, LIFE ran a series on the then rural territory (shown here in a 1959 photo by Ralph Crane). For more, visit time.com/oldhawaii.

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