• U.S.

FBI Director Says Cops Must Recognize Racial Biases

3 minute read

FBI Director James Comey urged the nation’s law-enforcement officers to acknowledge implicit biases toward people of color that have led to distrust among police and minority communities, in one of the highest-profile speeches yet given by an FBI chief on race and policing.

Comey urged police departments across the U.S. to work toward mending those relationships in the wake of high-profile officer-related shootings. “There’s a disconnect between law-enforcement agencies and the communities they serve,” Comey said during the speech at Georgetown University.

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Comey encouraged police nationwide to have an “open and honest discussion” about the relationship between officers and communities of color, and the unconscious biases that often trigger people to act differently around individual of other races.

“We simply must find a way to see each other more clearly,” he said.

The FBI director described situations where white officers have different reactions when dealing with black individuals, describing mental shortcuts that can lead police into being more suspicious of people of color.

“We need to come to grips with the fact that this behavior complicates the relationship between the police and the communities they serve,” Comey said.

The speech came after a series of protests last summer relating to the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. Garner, who was black, was placed in a fatal chokehold in July by NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo, who is white. Brown, a black unarmed teenager, was shot in August by Darren Wilson, a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo. Neither officer was formally charged for their roles in the deaths, leading to demonstrations around the nation and protesters chanting phrases like “I can’t breathe,” which Garner said as he was being apprehended.

Comey said officers have to have a better understanding of how black men often view the police. “I am not looking to let law enforcement off the hook,” Comey said. “But we must double the efforts to fight prejudice.”

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Comey quoted NYPD Commissioner William Bratton, who himself has been criticized for advancing a theory of policing that some believe unfairly targets minority communities, saying that “we really need to see each other.”

The speech was notable for addressing race in America head-on. Comey at times painted a sweeping history of distrust between the FBI and minorities, at one point describing a letter on his desk that approved the wiretapping of Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1960s.

“It is a hard truth that lives on,” he said.

But it will be difficult for the FBI director to actually persuade local law-enforcement agencies to change their behavior wholesale. One initiative Comey said he is working with police departments on is gathering more extensive data on officer-related shootings. While the FBI tracks justifiable homicides reported by police departments, that reporting is voluntary, Comey said, and demographic information regarding those incidents is not tracked.

“It’s ridiculous that I can’t tell you how many people were shot by police in this country,” Comey said in a question-and-answer session with Georgetown students, adding that all he could do was use his bully pulpit to persuade police departments to report their data, which he described as the first step to repairing a long history of distrust between police and minorities.

25 Key Evidence Photos From the Ferguson Grand Jury

An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson's vehicle at the scene of the confrontation.
Officer Darren Wilson's vehicle is shown at the scene of the confrontation in this undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office St. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows a bracelet that was found on the ground near Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson's vehicle in August 2014.
A bracelet was found near where Officer Darren Wilson fatally shot unarmed teen Michael Brown on Aug. 9, 2014 St. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows the cap that teenager Michael Brown was wearing when he was shot to death by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in August 2014.
The cap 18-year-old Brown wore the day he was shot by Officer WilsonSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows the a bullet casing from the gun of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson that was used in the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014.
This photograph shows a casing from a bullet fired from Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson's gun. St. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows the covered blood stained body of teenager Michael Brown following his shooting by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014.
A blood-stained sheet covers the body of 18-year-old Michael Brown. St. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows blood stains on the street pavement from teenager Michael Brown's body following his shooting by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014.
Brown's blood is spattered on the ground near where his body lay after being shot by Officer WilsonSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows the a bullet casing from the gun of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson that was used in the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014.
Another bullet casing from Officer Wilson's gun, which was fired a total of 12 times that day in AugustSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows glass and a slug taken from Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's vehicle after the shooting of Michael Brown.
This photo shows shattered glass from Officer Wilson's car window, which was shot out during a struggle between Wilson and Brown, according to grand jury testimonySt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows the interior of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's vehicle taken after the shooting of Michael Brown.
The interior of Officer Wilson's police vehicle. Wilson says he used the radio to call for backup after the shooting St. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's vehicle and a bracelet taken after the shooting of Michael Brown.
Another bracelet discovered near Officer Wilson's vehicle following the shooting St. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's vehicle taken after the shooting of Michael Brown.
A close up of the exterior of Wilson's vehicle following the incident St. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's vehicle taken after the shooting of Michael Brown.
Evidence left following the incident on the exterior of Officer Wilson's police carSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows handprints on the rear window of Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson's vehicle.
Handprints mark the rear window of Wilson's vehicle. St. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows the scene of the crime where Michael Brown was shot by Ferguson Police office Darren Wilson.
A traffic cone and police tape mark the scene near where Brown was shot on Canfield Drive in Ferguson, Mo. in AugustSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014.
Officers fetch a bullet from a hole left in the side of a building near the sceneSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014.
A bullet fired by Wilson's gunSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's uniform taken after the shooting of Michael Brown.
The uniform Officer Wilson wore the day he shot and killed Michael BrownSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson after the shooting of Michael Brown.
Officer Darren WilsonSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson after the shooting of Michael Brown.
Wilson says he feared for his life during an altercation with Brown, leading him to use deadly force.St. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's uniform taken after the shooting of Michael Brown.
Evidence left on the breast pocket of Wilson's uniform following the shooting of Michael Brown St. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson during his medical examination after the shooting of Michael Brown.
This image shows Wilson soon after the shooting. At the time, the officer underwent a medical examinationSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson during his medical examination after the shooting of Michael Brown.
During the medical examination, bruising was discovered on Wilson's cheek where he says Brown punched him in the faceSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson during his medical examination after the shooting of Michael Brown.
Medical examination also found cuts on the back of Officer Wilson's headSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's weapon taken after the shooting of Michael Brown.
The gun Officer Darren Wilson used when he shot and killed Michael BrownSt. Louis County
An undated evidence photograph made available by the St. Louis County prosecutors office on Nov. 25, 2014 shows Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's weapon taken after the shooting of Michael Brown.
A bullet found in Officer Wilson's weapon after the shooting of Michael BrownSt. Louis County

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