In The Latest Issue

3 minute read

The New Age of Much Older Age

How your Mindset Can Change How You Age
Your moods, feelings and thoughts all influence your physiology

The Cure for Aging
A drug from dirt and Siamese mice have researchers inching toward the seemingly impossible

Where is the Best Place to be an Old Person?
The older you get, the more your neighborhood matters

Why do Presidents Live so Long?
The Oval Office seems to come with a toolkit of longevity strategies

Do Married People Really Live Longer?
Yes—with caveats

What Diet Helps People Live the Longest?
The food you eat has a big impact on disease and wellness

Can Brain Games Keep My Mind Young?
That crossword puzzle may not be doing you as much good as you’d like

It’s Time to Embrace Lifestyle Medicine
Don’t just live long, live well

With Friends Like These
It’s time for an honest conversation about Saudi Arabia and the roots of Islamist terror

It’s Go Time for Hillary 2.0
The best talent is flocking to join her campaign. But first the Clinton and Obama teams must figure out how to work together

CVS Wants to Be Your Doctor’s Office
Larry Merlo says pharmacy clinics can take on more of U.S. health care

The Forgotten War in Sudan
The world has moved on, but the suffering continues

Beneath Ukraine’s Front Lines
As political leaders sit down for a new round of peace talks, a brutal ground war is tearing apart the country’s coal-mining heartland

The Men Who Would Be King
The ties that bind Prince Charles and his sons

Beefed Up Burgers
New chefs and new tastes are transforming the iconic hamburger

Pop Chart

Killer Business in Russia
An investor turned activist outfoxes oligarchs

Your 2015 Oscar Tip Sheet
Who’ll win, and why, in the closest race in ages

Peter Carey’s Literary Hack
Amnesia searches for the web’s deepest motivations

The Definitive Saturday Night Live Sketch Rankings
NBC’s legendary comedy show turns 40 this month. See which actors, celebrities and hosts have appeared on the show most often

Jon Stewart, Brian Williams and the Twilight of the Evening Stars
Anchoring isn’t what it used to be

Empire’s Prime Timing
The show dominates this year’s TV landscape

The Wearable Tech We Actually Want
Advice for Silicon Valley on creating useful devices that are not too embarrassing to put on in public

10 Questions With Ai-jen Poo
How we can help the elderly (and their caregivers) live with dignity


Data Startups Tackle Cities’ Traffic Problems
Data–and the startups that trade in it–could help lessen traffic congestion in cities

Schoolhouse Rocked

How to Live Longer
Listen to your body’s cues

Boston Digs Out From Heavy Snow
The city set a new record for most snow in a 30-day period

Can the Drones Be Stopped?
As the U.S.’s edge in unmanned aircraft fades, a scramble for defenses

The Honored Image

Europe’s Anti-Austerity Contagion

High-Tech Trouble

Dixie Diehard
An Alabama judge fights the feds on same-sex marriage


Kayla Mueller
American aid worker

Dean Smith
Coaching legend

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