In the Latest Issue

4 minute read

Meet the Twins Unlocking the Secrets of Space
The Kelly twins–one in orbit and one on Earth–may help NASA unlock the secret of long-term space travel

America’s Uneasy Path Abroad in 2015

The U.S. is still the world’s leading economy, but its geopolitical clout isn’t what it used to be

The 2014 Teddy Awards

In a dismal political year, these Americans went far beyond the call of duty

Amy Schumer: Class Clown of 2015

The comedian has found a devoted audience by sending up sexism–including her own

Cuba Libre

After more than 50 years, the U.S. looks to a future 90 miles away

A CIA Interrogator Speaks

After the Senate report, would the U.S. torture again?

The Nerd-Iverse

Where 2015’s heroes will duke it out and embark on journeys


How to Make Your Resolution Stick

One goal, 365 days. Science says you’ve got this

Sy Berger

Creator of the modern baseball card

After the Altar

The next frontier for lgbt rights is equal treatment at home, work and in the public square

The General’s Burden

Martin Dempsey must decide whether to send U.S. ground troops to Iraq for a third war

What Sony’s Hackers Know

In cyberwar, information is a weapon–and our culture is the battlefield

No Company Is Immune to a Hack Like Sony’s

Why no company is immune

Medicine’s Big Moves

Europe Plays Out Its Anxieties

2015 Discovery Calendar

Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence

Two great thinkers see danger in AI. Here’s how to make it safe.


How Bremmer Sees the World

How We’ll Pay in 2015

Rebecca Minkoff’s Digital Retail Retrofit

Fashion boutiques are leading the charge to merge connected technology with real-world retail outlets

2015 Album Watch

The latest updates from some of music’s biggest names

Pot’s Candy Crisis

Edibles are throwing a wrench in the legal-weed movement

The Future of Food

From kale hybrids to ancient wine, here’s what’s trending for 2015

Avenging Abby Wambach

The world cup is the most important title in soccer–and the only big one Abby Wambach has never won. 2015 may be the last chance for one of the game’s all-time greats

The New Rules of Culture

Climate Strange

Forget global warming–and get ready for global weirding

News Quiz: 2015’s Major Events

Practice your punditry in 10 questions

2015 Culture Calendar

Fear Index 2015

What to be afraid of–and what to be extremely afraid of–in 2015

The New Rules of Power

Building An ‘Empire’

Lee Daniels and Danny Strong—the team behind The Butler—launch a Shakespearean hip-hop drama for prime-time TV

Meet Larry Wilmore, Your New Fake News Host

Comedy Central’s new guy has a few tricks up his sleeve

Jeb Bush, Mr. Sunshine

He’s been out of politics for nearly a decade, but he thinks he knows how to fix the country

Hillary Clinton, Up, Up and Away

Hillary Clinton prepares a 2016 campaign on promises of upward mobility for the middle class

Supremes Watch

From Obamacare to religious freedom, several charged issues will make their way back to the U.S. Supreme Court in 2015. By the time the term ends this summer, we could have a definitive ruling on whether Chief Justice John Roberts’ court is the conservative juggernaut many believe it to be.

New Year, New Adventures

Top destinations for travelers of every kind–from art enthusiasts to history buffs

Water World

A massive Middle Eastern desalination plant could show how to quench a crowded planet’s growing thirst

Can a Risqué Novel Go Mainstream?

A Spare Heir

Sorry, George, there’s a new royal in town


Will Virtual Reality Finally Go Mainstream?

The Journey Ahead

The Future is Now

The lone hope of an otherwise lost season (ask Astros fans) comes from new prospects. Here’s who’s due to emerge in 2015.

Medicine Is About to Get Personal

How can Americans get better health care for less money? There’s a quiet experiment going on among primary-care physicians, and the results are intriguing

Crystal Ballers

Silicon Valley’s top investors predict a big year for bitcoin, extruded gastronomy and me

Badge, Gun … Camera?

Drone Country: See America From Above

Affordable drones are giving us a new—perhaps temporary—vantage on the world

2015 in Anniversaries

Moments from the past you’re sure to hear about in the future

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