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WATCH: This High School Football Player’s Motivational Speech Will Inspire You

2 minute read

Fans of Friday Night Lights will want to check out this interview with an enthusiastic Texas high school football player who was fueled by his love of the game to make an exuberant and loquacious speech.

While the television show taught the world to love high school football, thanks in no small part to the tough, but caring Coach Taylor and his words of wisdom, when it comes to making inspirational speeches, Coach Taylor has nothing on Apollos Hester.

The East View High School player was thrilled that his team was able to recently triumph over Vandegrift High by just one point, and he had some thoughts about never giving up, even when you’re down.

“It’s an awesome feeling when you know you are going to win, when you know you are going to be successful, regardless of the scoreboard, because of the effort that you put in,” he told TWC News Austin reporter Lauren Mickler in Georgetown, Texas. And even if your team doesn’t win, “Just keep smiling!”

This student doesn’t need a guidance counselor to tell him that he should consider a career as a motivational speaker, because he already is one.

Take a knee, and let this player’s enthusiasm wash over you.


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