Have you heard? It’s the year of the rear. Yep — after Miley Cyrus delivered her twerk-filled performance with Robin Thicke at last year’s MTV Video Music Awards, the booty-shaking bar was set, and accordingly, 2014 has seen rump-filled videos and performances from everyone from Lily Allen to Amber Rose to Helen Mirren to even Billy Ray Cyrus. Hey, even Taylor Swift got in on the action in her “Shake It Off” video.
Then came Nicki Minaj’s racy “Anaconda” vid, filled with derrieres from here to there with Drake in between. The barely SFW video zipped across the internet, setting a Vevo record for the most views in 24 hours as fans (and adolescent boys) rushed to watch the provocative jungle-twerk clip.
While “Anaconda” may have established Minaj as the queen of the twerking scene, it was a transient victory. Now, Jennifer Lopez has entered the ring to reclaim the title. J. Lo just released the aptly-named track “Booty” featuring Hot 100 It Girl Iggy Azalea. The video lives up to its title, featuring Lopez and Azalea clad in black and white swimsuits and provocatively shaking what their mamas gave them, dripping with oil. Your move, Destiny’s Child.
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