• U.S.

Study: Jews Most Popular Religious Group in the U.S.

2 minute read

Jews are viewed most positively by Americans among the major religious groups, according to a survey released Wednesday.

The Pew survey asked participants to rate their attitude toward different religious groups on a “feeling thermometer” on a scale of 0 to 100 with 100 being the “warmest, most positive” rating. The 3,217 respondents rated Jews, Catholics and Evangelical Christians scores of 63, 62, and 61, respectively.

On the other end of the spectrum, Muslims were rated least favorably, with a score of 40. Atheists were rated a step higher with a score of 41. Buddhists, Hindus and Mormons were in the middle, with ratings of 53, 50 and 48, respectively.

Unsurprisingly, groups were rated highest by their own members, with Catholics receiving an average rating of 80 from Americans who describe themselves as Catholic, for instance.

Jews and Atheists tend to have negative feelings towards Evangelicals, even though Evangelicals rated Jews highly.

Americans aged over 65 gave Christian groups and Jews higher ratings than younger Americans gave them. Older Americans viewed Muslims negatively, while younger Americans had a more neutral view towards Muslims.

Americans had much warmer feelings toward a religious group when they knew someone who identified with that group. Muslims got a neutral rating (49 on average) from respondents who said they personally knew a Muslim, much higher than the 35 rating from Americans who did not know a Muslim.

You can find the rest of the study’s results here.

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