Morning Must Reads: July 14

3 minute read

  • IRS to rubber-stamp tax-exempt status for most charities after scandal [TIME]
  • Citigroup and U.S. reach $7 billion mortgage settlement [NYT]
  • Governors divided on how to handle border crisis [TIME]
  • “Israel’s military said it shot down a drone along the country’s southern coast on Monday, marking the first time Palestinian militants have used such an aircraft in their weeklong confrontation with Israel.” [WSJ]
  • “President Obama and other top administration officials will pressure Congress to strike a deal on the Highway Trust Fund in a series of events this week, looking to coerce a deal before the financing for road, bridge, and mass-transit projects is exhausted next month.” [The Hill]
  • Germany claims 4th World Cup title [Sports Illustrated]
  • Morning long reads: Middle school cheating scandal raises questions about No Child Left Behind [New Yorker]
  • Sen. Rand Paul: Rick Perry is dead wrong [Politico Magazine]
  • Rick Perry slams Rand Paul: let the 2016 GOP presidential race begin [CS Monitor]
  • Bowe Bergdahl to return to active duty [NYT]
  • “The House and Senate this week will take up several long-awaited legislative items, though they will do so amid the circus atmosphere surrounding the House GOP’s buildup to a vote later this month on suing President Obama over his executive actions.” [National Journal]
  • Smell test may detect early stages of Alzheimer’s disease [CBS News]
  • “The Pope—known for extemporaneous remarks that at times simultaneously delight and confound his followers—addressed the lingering questions of sexual abuse in the church, saying about ‘2 percent’ of the church’s clergy are pedophiles and pledged to ‘confront it with the severity it demands.'” [Slate]
  • Mike Huckabee’s private plane habit [Politico]


    First, a thank you. Since we redesigned, the active and devoted community of commenters on Morning Must Reads has carried on the discussion just as we hoped you would.

    Second, a proposal. We have heard feedback from many of you asking for TIME reporters and editors to weigh in more in the comment threads. We want to give you something even better: Direct access to our reporters and editors.

    Once a week, we will schedule a time for a conversation between TIME readers and TIME reporters or editors. We will solicit questions on Facebook and Twitter via the hashtag #askTIME and then answer the questions in a post on while keeping an eye out for your follow up questions on social media or in the comments.

    We want to provide this as a service to our most loyal readers who want more access to what we see and hear and what we know about how the world is working. As such, the Q&A sessions will appear behind the paywall like magazine features.

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    We are hoping to have our first Subscriber Q&A this week. What would be the best time of day? Day of the week? Whom would you like to talk with?

    Though the exchange will be open to all subscribers, our hope is that the Morning Must Reads crew contributes heavily and helps shape what this becomes. Let us know what you think in the comments here, and thanks again.

    Michael Scherer

    Washington Bureau Chief

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