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Sorry, Dudes: This Machine Can Make a Woman Orgasm at the Touch of a Button

1 minute read

For anyone who thought science wasn’t sexy, take note: a surgeon has found a way to make women orgasm with just the touch of a button.

But don’t put your name down for trials, which are expected to start next year, just yet. The procedure is more complex than just throwing on a pair of vibrating panties. According to the New Scientist, “stimulating wires could connect to a signal generator smaller than a packet of cigarettes”—!!!—”implanted under the skin of one of the patient’s buttock.” A remote control would then stimulate the machine to trigger an orgasm.

“It’s as invasive as a pacemaker, so this is only for extreme cases,” Surgeon Stuart Meloy, who had the medical breakthrough,told New Scientist. Still, considering that 10 to 15 percent of women are unable to climax, a Lucky Strikes sized box in the gluteus maximus might be well worth it. The device will come with a limited number of orgasms per week, but the actual figure has yet to be determined.

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