The Debate: How Should College Campuses Handle Sexual Assault?

2 minute read

Recent research revealed that one in five women report being assaulted on college campuses. That shocking number has students, parents and politicians questioning the way schools protect students and adjudicate the cases of sexual assault. Read more in this week’s cover story about the sexual assault crisis on American college campuses.

VIDEO: My Rapist Is Still on Campus

Step Up. It’s Time by Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States

Rape Culture Is a Panic Where Paranoia, Censorship, and False Accusations Flourish by Christina Hoff Sommers, scholar

We Will Not Allow These Crimes to Be Swept Under the Rug Any Longer by Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senator

Society Continues to Misplace Blame on Survivors by Mariska Hargitay, founder of Joyful Heart Foundation and star of Law & Order: SVU

Sexual Assault Prevention and Bystander Intervention by Philip J. Hanlon, President of Dartmouth College

The Battle Over Sexual Assault Is the Civil Rights Movement of Our Time by Gloria Allred, attorney and activist

He Was Turned On by My Distress by Emma Sulkowicz, student survivor

Some Rules About Consent Are Unfair to Male Students by Matthew Kaiser, attorney

We Need Transparency On the Issue of Fraternity Rape by Caitlin Flanagan, journalist

Violating Student Victims’ Rights Is Expensive by Nancy Chi Cantalupo, law professor

Overbroad Definitions of Sexual Assault are Deeply Counter-Productive by Jed Rubenfeld, law professor

Consent Must Be Created, Not Given by Jonathan Kalin, student activist

Universities and Fraternities Must Tell the Whole Truth by Douglas E. Fierberg, attorney

We Must Look at How We Teach Our Boys What It Means to Be a Man by Neil Irvin, executive director of Men Can Stop Rape

‘I’m Proud’ to See My Alma Mater Investigated For Mishandling Rape by Jaclyn Friedman, activist and author


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