In the tradition of Daphne du Maurier’s gothic-thriller classic Rebecca, best-selling author Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s acclaimed 2020 novel transports its protagonist, 22-year-old socialite Noemí Taboada, from her cosmopolitan life in 1950s Mexico City to High Place, a crumbling English-style manor home in the Mexican countryside. Noemí arrives at the decaying mansion, situated above the impoverished former mining town of El Triunfo, after receiving an alarming letter from her newly wed cousin Catalina, who married into the English family that once operated the old silver mine. A frightened Catalina is convinced that her husband, Virgil Doyle, is slowly poisoning her and that she’s hearing ghosts in the walls. At High Place, Noemí is largely kept away from Catalina, but when she starts sleepwalking and having nightmares of her own, she begins to realize there are deeper and darker forces at play. Noemí must expose the terrible secrets hidden within the Doyles’ eerie estate or risk being consumed by them. Mexican Gothic masterfully combines elements of history, fantasy, and horror for a mystery that explores the sinister legacy of colonialism and imperialism in Latin America. —Megan McCluskey
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