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GREAT BRITAIN: Ever Seen An Ostrich?

1 minute read

Character story of the British week in Lord Beaverbrook’s London Daily Express :

“Blonde, blue-eyed Mrs. Lily Greatbatch, the woman who plucked a feather from the tail of a Whipsnade ostrich, beamed cheerfully at me today when I asked her why she did it. Her offense had cost her a £1 fine and 10s. costs at Leighton Buzzard, Beds, earlier in the day.

” ‘Have you ever seen an ostrich?’ she asked me. ‘Many women who see an ostrich long to snatch the feathers from its tail. Some do. some don’t. I did!’ she dimpled into a smile.

” ‘By the look of the bird there were several others who had obeyed that impulse. I saw another woman pluck one before I did. Mine was only half a feather and it cost me 30s., but it was worth it.’ “

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