• U.S.

Medicine: Rats for Fleas

1 minute read

For lack of money to buy the land to maintain the pens to house the rats to support the fleas in which the virus grows best, the U. S. Public Health Service has been balked in ridding the southeastern U. S. of a mild kind of typhus fever. Balked also was research on Rocky Mountain spotted fever spread by ticks which live on guinea pigs; parrot fever, brain fever, infantile paralysis, whose respective viruses multiply in white mice; tularemia, which requires rabbits.

This balky situation roused the pity of Luke Wilson, onetime Evanston, Ill. businessman, who lives at ‘Tree Tops.” a Maryland estate near Washington. Last week, just before he slipped away to Europe, Mr. Wilson deeded “Tree Tops” to the Federal Government to raise the rodents to feed the vermin to prevent diseases.

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