• U.S.

Music: Autosymphonies

1 minute read

Fiddles & horns, conductors & opera stars last week entered the competition between General Motors and Henry Ford. Their start was simultaneous—Sunday 8 p. m. E. S. T. The Detroit Symphony fought for Ford, with Conductor Victor Kolar, yellow-haired Maria Jeritza. 24 choristers. G. M. assembled its own orchestra, hired spectacular Leopold Stokowski to wave his pale hands over it and Tenor Richard Crooks to sing. Soloists will vary in the expensive radio bout. G. M. has a starry list of conductors. Ford will stick to Victor Kolar, Ossip Gabrilowitsch’s hard-working associate, who conducted at A Century of Progress last summer. Ford’s motives are divided: besides selling cars he wants to play patron to the hard-pressed Detroit Symphony.

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