• U.S.

Sport: Dana’s Day

1 minute read

Lawrence George Dana of Derrick City, Pa., is a 58-year-old oil producer whose hobbies are trapshooting and golf. His golf cards average go, his trapshooting scores, 83 out of 100. More enthusiastic than adept, Lawrence Dana, when he passed the mile-long firing line of the American Trapshooting Association at Vandalia, Ohio during tournament week in 1930, could barely restrain himself from getting off his train and entering the Grand target championship (fired at 16 yd. with no handicap).

¶ Twenty-five years ago, Mark Arie of Champaign, Ill., paid $50 for a shotgun. Having won $50,000 in cash prizes and trophies valued at $150,000, he used it again last week to become doubles target champion and champion-of-State-champions, with 197 targets out of 200, against 34 other State titleholders.

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