• U.S.

Sport: Who Won, Aug. 7, 1939

1 minute read

>Husky Andy Szwedko, 32-year-old Pittsburgh steelworker: the National Public Links Golf Championship; defeating 22-year-old Phil Gordon, Oakland (Calif.) insurance clerk, in the final; 1 up; after 36 holes of see-sawing brilliance and blundering; before a gallery of 5,000; at Mt. Pleasant Park, Baltimore.

>Pretty Helen Crlenkovich, 18, of San Francisco: the national outdoor three-metre springboard diving championship; nosing out (135.89 points to 133.97 points) 16-year-old, three-time Champion Marjorie Gestring, whom she also dethroned as national indoor queen last winter; in the Birdland Pool, Des Moines, Iowa.

>Frank Kukuljevic, Ferenc Puncec and Demeter Mitic, Yugoslavia Davis Cup tennis team: the European Zone Final; defeating Germany’s Henner Henkel, Rolf Copfert and Roderich Menzel (onetime Czech Davis Cupper); three matches to two; at Zagreb, Yugoslavia. During the doubles match, while Henkel & Menzel were beating Puncec & Kukuljevic, Yugoslavian spectators, resenting the appearance of Menzel on the German team, booed “Back to Sudetenland!”, raised such a rumpus that the Germans hired a bodyguard to protect their Anschlussed star. By winning the European Zone Final, Yugoslavia qualified to meet Australia (unless Australia loses to Cuba) in the Interzone Final at Boston, August 24-25-26.

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