• U.S.

Press: Old Bull’s Baths

1 minute read

“MR. MELLON NOT BATHLESS” headlined the New York Times last week. What! thought readers, has Mr. Mellon been pictured as a dirty old man? Is this the correction of a horrid error? On the contrary, the story in error had redounded, if anything, entirely to Andrew William Mellon’s hygienic credit. The Times had headlined that Mr. Mellon was “staying in old Hotel Bull which has no private bath.” Indignant, the old Hotel Bull in Cambridge, England, so old that none knows when it was built, save that it was old enough to be rebuilt in 1546, protested that it had “plenty of baths.” in fact no less than three on the floor of Mr. MelIon’s suite, not “attached,” to be sure, but baths nonetheless, where Mr. Mellon could and did freshen up during his son Paul’s graduation festivities.

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