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The Congo: Tshombe’s Twilight

4 minute read

The Katanga struggle seemed over at last. It had been a 2½-year siege that brought the U.N. close to bankruptcy, set the U.S. at odds with its principal European allies and threatened to immerse Central Africa in blood. Now, Katanga’s Rebel Moise Tshombe sat wanly behind a desk in a stucco cottage in the copper town of Kolwezi and declared, “I am ready to proclaim immediately before the world that Katanga’s secession is ended.”

The words of the mercurial Moise had a familiar ring, and there were skeptics who suggested the pledge was false. “I’ll believe it when I see it,” said one diplomat in Elisabethville. “We know the man,” shrugged Central Government Premier Cyrille Adoula in Leopoldville. “It is not the first time that Tshombe has declared himself ready to renounce his ambitions to found an independent state.”

“Wise Act.” But this time Tshombe had little choice. Blue-helmeted U.N. troops controlled nearly all the major rail and population centers of Katanga province, and U.N. Secretary-General U Thant was not backing down on his threat to crush Katanga’s wily secessionist.

Up to the last moment, Tshombe wavered. Having fled from Elisabethville “a frightened and dejected man,” in the words of British and Belgian officials, he turned up last week in Kolwezi, where the last 3,000 of his 20,000-man gendarmerie were holed up. A two-man peace mission composed of Jacques Houard, Belgium’s consul general in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, and André Van Roey, director of Katanga’s National Bank, followed him there. For 36 desperate hours, the two urged him to yield rather than carry out his threat to blow up the huge dams and copper and cobalt mines operated by the giant Union Minière company in Kolwezi. Finally, convinced that he had no alternative, Tshombe gave in.

Later, apparently to show newsmen what might have happened, he drove them to a minor hydroelectric substation 70 miles outside Kolwezi, aimed a six-pound artillery piece at it and pulled the lanyard. The shot was right on target. The substation, apparently loaded with dynamite, disintegrated while Tshombe guffawed. As a final act of obstreperousness he had Peacemaker Houard thrown out of

Katanga because, as Foreign Minister Evariste Kimba complained, “You have done nothing for us.” But Tshombe was beaten nonetheless. Even his old ally, Sir Roy Welensky, Prime Minister of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland, told him he had “acted wisely” in yielding.

Is Everybody Happy? The Central Government promised Moise “a general and complete amnesty” for himself and his followers. With that, Tshombe returned to Elisabethville to work out the procedures of his capitulation with U.N. officials. He found that some of the details had already been taken care of. The blue-and-gold flag of the Central Government now fluttered over the Katangese Defense Ministry. Sixty civil servants and 120 Congolese army officers arrived from Leopoldville to take over Katanga’s military remnants and administer postal service, telecommunications, customs and immigration. As resident minister, Leopoldville’s top man in Katanga would be slight, sober Joseph Ileo, 40, a moderate who served as interim Premier of the Congo after erratic Patrice Lumumba was deposed in 1960.

The question now was whether Leopoldville’s Central Government could keep Katanga under control now that it was won. If the mob violence back in Leo itself was any indication, U.N. troops would have to stay on in Katanga for quite a while. Down Leo’s Boulevard Albert stormed 600 students and street urchins, shouting “Tshombe to the gallows!” At the British embassy, which is considered fair game because of London’s friendly policy toward Katanga, the mob battered down the doors, sacked the offices, and tried to pry off a coat of arms because, as one student cried, “It’s made of Katanga copper!” After an hour, the U.N.’s Congo Chief Robert Gardiner arrived and scattered the mob. All the while, a jeep-load of Adoula’s cops sat chuckling near by, making no move to stop the pillage.

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