• U.S.

AUTOS: Hudson’s New Car

1 minute read

In Detroit, Hudson Motor Car Co. last week gave its dealers their first look at a new low-priced car to compete with Ford, Chevrolet, Studebaker and Plymouth. So far unnamed and unpriced, the car is 60 in. high, weighs 2,800 Ibs., midway between a Ford and a Henry J, has a new 100 h.p. engine which will get about 20 miles per gal. A one-piece, curved windshield and a large rear window give it more glass area than most low-priced cars. Hudson hopes to get a four-door model into production by Thanksgiving, will add a two-door version later. Estimated production: 200,000 of the new cars next year, in addition to Hudson’s standard line (current annual output: 125,000).

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