• U.S.

The Press: Appetizer

2 minute read

What is good taste?

Fortnight ago, a Los Angeles Times photographer took the memorable picture of a barmaid carrying drinks past the body of a man slain in a brawl (TIME, Aug. 19). The Associated Press sent it out by wirephoto, and many a U.S. newspaper featured it. But the Los Angeles Times itself did not run the picture. Explained a Times editor: “It was bad taste.”

Last week Times readers got a sample of what the Times considers good taste. The Times sent its hugest reporter, 320-Ib. Tom Bridges, and a photographer out to see a 41-year-old cook named Claude L. Baxter. Cook Baxter was in the 83rd day of a 100-day fast to raise money for the starving people of the world. He had lost 43 pounds, was down to 127. Bridges sat down before him, ate a large combination sandwich, a heaping dish of shoestring potatoes, lettuce salad, creamed corn, a chocolate éclair and a glass of milk. Next day the Times ran its picture (see cut) and a story to match by Funnyman Bridges:

“I straightened the middle deck of my multiple sandwich—the cheese one, I think—and munched on. ‘But I’m not giving up,’ * the former chef continued with determination, as I continued with relish—and shoestring potatoes. I. . . took a deep draught of cold milk while Baxter moved farther down the table to escape the aroma of food. . .He received two letters and tore into them. ‘Here’s a check for $2.50!’ he said gleefully, returning to the table where I was wiping a trace of whipped cream from my lower lip. Then he surveyed the empty plates before me. There was a sharp look in his hungry eye. . .”

*Next day he did, on his doctor’s orders.

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