• U.S.

Music: Moscow Studio

1 minute read

Morris Gest announced that the Moscow Musical Studio (which, having completed a successful season at Leningrad, last week began another in Berlin) will come to Manhattan under his management for a seven weeks’ season in December, bringing all its stage settings, its own chorus masters and conductors, and attended by one Yasloff Gremislavsky, “the World’s Greatest Living Master of Makeup.” The Studio, a guild which comprises actors, danceVs and operatic stars, will present its full repertoire, including: Lecocq’s The Daughter of Madame Angot; Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, with music on Greek themes by the modern Russian composer, Reinhold Gliere; Carmencita and the Soldier, with the Bizet music for Carmen, a wholly new libretto drawn directly from Merimee’s story by the Russian poet, Constantin Lipskerpff; Offenbach’s La Perichole; a triple bill from Pushkin entitled Love and Death.

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