• U.S.

Foreign News: Tsar v. Cat

1 minute read

Tsar Boris of Bulgaria perhaps did not hear, at Sofia, last week, that his father, the abdicated Tsar Ferdinand, was seen in Vienna to chase a black cat with oaths out of his hotel bedroom. Other guests testified that Ferdinand, barefoot, clad in nightshirt, pursued cat down corridor.

Knowing observers were not surprised.

Ferdinand is a royal mystic, supposed by superstitious Bulgarian peasants to possess occult powers. Presumably the Mystic Tsar had quarreled with his Black Cat, or someone’s else cat.

Beloved Princess Eudoxia of Bulgaria, sister and chatelaine of Bachelor Tsar Boris, was last week, the house guest at Balmoral, Scotland, of Their Britannic Majesties. Queen Mary was reported to have baited His Majesty’s hook, last week, with a worm, in the presence of witnesses. “She can do it much better than I can,” was a remark attributed to George V by a correspondent of the U. S. Luke Lea newspaper chain.

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