• U.S.

Women: Narrowing the Wage Gap

1 minute read

The most striking symbol of women’s struggle for pay equity is a pin that reads simply “59¢.” It represents the longstanding average pay earned by women for every dollar earned by men. That is changing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the figure is now 64¢. A report by the Rand Corp., an independent California think tank, says the change is due to women’s improved education and experience, which are being compensated in the free market,”rather than legislation, Government commissions or political movements” The report also argues that one reason average women’s wages have not risen more sharply is that a greater number of women are entering the job market in entry-level positions. Judy Goldsmith, president of the National Organization for Women, responds, “It is ridiculous to suggest that there is no connection between wage gains and antidiscrimination legislation.” She adds: “The ultimate bottom line of the report—that we should be immensely gratified that women will be making 74¢ to a man’s dollar by the year 2000—is nothing to rejoice about.”

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