• U.S.


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As the Congress that had trampled on most of his recommendations finally stopped stomping and went home, President Eisenhower passed the word that this week he will start on his delayed post-adjournment vacation in Newport, R.I., where the Navy base people and townsfolk have proudly dressed ship for his arrival. Length of his stay will depend on the weather; if September brings Newport rain and fog, or hurricane weather, the President will pack up for warm, balmy Gettysburg in short order. Moreover, the Middle East situation weighed heavily on the President last week; if it deteriorates, he wants to be in Washington or close by. At week’s end, just in time for vacation, Ike went to Walter Reed Hospital to bring home Mamie, now convalescent after her hysterectomy three weeks ago (TIME, Aug. 19). In a navy blue dress with white trim and a white hat, Mrs. Eisenhower, still somewhat shaky on her feet, walked arm-in-arm with Ike to the waiting White House limousine. “I feel pretty good,” she told reporters. “How about a big grin?” shouted a photographer. “I still have that,” said Mamie Eisenhower, smiling and then winking at the President of the U.S.

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