• U.S.

STRATEGY: Lesser Evil

1 minute read

Czechoslovaks find little to laugh at these days. But last week they smiled grimly at a story currently making the rounds of Prague’s beer cellars and coffeehouses. A prominent politician, one of the few leftovers from the old guard of President Masaryk, was being questioned by a worried friend: “Sometimes it looks as if war between Russia and the U.S. were just around the corner, doesn’t it?” “It certainly does, sometimes.” “And with whom, do you think, Czechoslovakia should ally herself, if and when?” “With Russia, of course.”

The worried friend could not conceal his amazement: “You consider this a matter of course? You, to whom we look up as to one of our last real democrats? You, who know that our country was practically founded in America, and with American help? You want to join the Russians against the Americans? Why?” “Because I’d rather be taken prisoner by the Americans than by the Russians.”

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