• U.S.

Canada at War: Men or Mice

1 minute read

In the fifth year of war the Canadian Government, which hesitates to conscript men for service overseas, started still another campaign for overseas volunteers. Canadians who think the Government should order all-out conscription grumped over the expense ($306,000), snorted at the come-on posters, fretted that such tough talk in the press and on the radio covered up political weakness at Ottawa.

Last week Canadian newspapers carried the most inept recruiting advertisement yet printed. It showed a young man frowning, chin in hand. The text screamed: “Have I got the ‘Guts’? Ask yourself this question. One look in your mirror will give you the answer. Am I man or mouse . . .?”

Critics promptly suggested that the Government ask itself the same question. Snapped Toronto’s Globe and Mail: “Are you [the Government] men or mice. . . . Have we the guts to admit that our policy was dictated by political cowardice? . . . It is not a pretty challenge. Yet, in the language of the Government, it is proper and just. It is a poor defense for cowardice to scream ‘Coward.’ “

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