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Foreign News: Bloods Royal

3 minute read

Sweater letters won by collegiate red-bloods are viewed with haughty amusement by that scion of numerous bloods-royal, Prince René de Bourbon-Parme, upon whose sports-sweater are the royal

Lilies of France (see cut). In Paris last week he was visited by a most anxious and disgruntled young nephew who suddenly arrived from Belgium—”His Majesty, Otto, Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary,” as this handsome and 100% legitimate pretender to the Dual Crown is styled by devoted Austrian and Hungarian monarchists.

Otto came rushing to be in Paris while the Vice Chancellor of Austria, pudgy, loose-lipped Prince Ernst Rudiger von Starhemberg, who is strongly suspected of wishing to have himself proclaimed Regent, conferred last week with new French Foreign Minister, Pierre Etienne Flandin. In outward profession Starhemberg is an adherent of Otto, but there was every indication that the Prince was highly delighted to hear from M. Flandin last week that France still opposes any Hapsburg restoration. While Otto gloomed, Starhemberg expansively led the retinue of French detectives by whom he was surrounded on evenings of wine, women & warbling in Paris night spots.

Meanwhile King Carol II of Rumania, also in Paris on his way home from the funeral of British George V, personally telephoned new French Premier Albert Sarraut to ask that his entourage of French detectives be called off. Since the assassination of King Alexander of Yugoslavia occurred when M. Sarraut was Minister of the Interior and his careless Cabinet was largely blamed (TIME, Oct. 15, 1934 el seq.), M. Sarraut last week made an exceedingly firm reply to King Carol.

Result: His Majesty on four evenings in succession gave his guards the slip. With a red-haired woman on his arm who appeared to be either his red-haired Jewish mistress, Magda Lupescu, or her famed double, King Carol ordered night club employes to “act as if you did not know my identity.” Sedate and dominant, Mme Lupescu is not adept at Argentine rhythms. His Majesty, after sitting out one tango, called to a brunette to come and dance with him. He half rose, then was tugged firmly back into his chair by his red-head.*

All this time Little Tsar Boris of Bulgaria went about Paris with utmost decorum, accepted his entourage of detectives with no effort either to entertain or to elude them, and moved Parisian Bulgarians to cry: “Every inch a Tsar! Long live His Majesty!”

After Their Majesties had all safely left France this week, attention shifted to the further trial at Aix-En-Provence of three Croat terrorists, accused as accomplices of King Alexander’s assassin who was killed by police. Expert testimony proved last week that bullets fired by police in the wild melee winged eight persons while the assassin winged only three.

* According to the United Press, which only two days before had been accorded by King Carol the first quoting interview ever given by His Majesty to a press service. Invited the King, “Fire your questions in English, but not too many—and make them the kind I can answer.”

Q. What do you think of America?

A. My biggest impression of America can be summed up in one word: work.

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