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Forum: Cher, to Place and Show

4 minute read

To the Editors:

Cher! The most beautiful TIME cover [March 17] since Man O’ War!

Murray Gross Tucson, Ariz.

A TIME cover story? Is there anything else America can do to help this “mildly talented creature totally fashioned by show business”?

Maxine Steward Mesa, Ariz.

Bravo! A cover story that will probably cause a rash of derogatory letters from jealous housewives and the fans of Lawrence Welk, but one for which I express my admiration and thanks.

Cher has evolved into a polished performer with tremendous vocal abilities, comic timing, and a sleek, sexy approach to all she does. Through the tumult of the past ten years her star has continued to shine, and I can only hope that it will shine for ten times ten more.

E.J. Slivinski Pittsburgh

Disgusting—your recent cover. I tore it off and threw it away all crumpled up.

Judith F. Bonnie Louisville

Some weeks it’s tough to look at your cover and see a world of war, violence and economic misery. However, as one of “the older boys” of the family, I found the edition with beautiful Cher on the front was a treat. And past the cover, her story was well worth the reading.

Bill Stanyar Toronto

Where Are the Hittites?

You attribute to me the view that “Israel’s survival is in grave doubt.” No. Israel—the people and the land—will survive every existing hostile nation. Where now are the Hittites? The Jebusites? Who lately has interviewed a Girgashite? What news is there from the Amalekites?

Those who study hatred are blotted out; Israel continues, from Father Abraham to this [March 10] issue of TIME. A generation will come when our descendants will look on these dread portraits of King Faisal as Shelley looked on the rubble of Ozymandias’ sneer.

Cynthia Ozick New Rochelle, N. Y.

Who in the hell do you think you’re kidding? Do you seriously expect your readers to believe that if there were 6 million Arabs sitting in prominent positions in politics, finance and mass communications in this country and only a handful of Jewish rug peddlers, that Presidents from Roosevelt through Ford would have been outspoken Zionists?

There are millions of Americans like myself who, while we sympathize with the sufferings of the Jewish people under tyrants from Torquemada through Hitler, do not feel that the U.S. is obliged to guarantee the territorial integrity of Israel. Don’t give us any more of that “because it is right” jive. I don’t want my son dumping his guts on the Negev sand in the interests of Zionism, and I think most Americans feel the same.

Byron F. Samuels Vallejo, Calif.

Jews withhold financial support from politicians who speak their minds if what they say is not favorable to Israel. Arabs try to counteract. They withhold business from Jews. But that is a blacklist. Wake up, America: double standards will not get you anywhere.

K.M. Khattab Sudbury, Ont.

TIME’S cover story asks us to show an element of trust regarding a Middle East settlement. Are we supposed to trust Terrorist Arafat, or the oil sheiks, or the U.N., or international guarantees that were worthless in the past?

Max Weissenberg Fairfax, Calif.

Disinclined as one may be to take exception to Washington sources, I must disassociate myself from the remarks attributed to me in TIME’S March 10 issue. General Brown is a dedicated officer of excellent professional judgment as well as a patriot and gentleman. Had I the view erroneously ascribed to me of General Brown, he would not have become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

Let me state quite succinctly: I am proud of my association with General Brown—as an officer and as a man.

J.R. Schlesinger Secretary of Defense Washington, D.C.

TIME stands by the accuracy of its report.

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