• U.S.

Milestones, Mar. 14, 1960

2 minute read

Divorced. Gordon Scott, 32, Hollywooden Tarzan No. 11; by Vera Miles (real name: Ralston), 29, sulking screen wife (The FBI Story); after 3½ years of marriage, one child; in Juarez, Mexico.

Divorced. Harry Hines Woodring, 69, onetime (1928) Kansas commander of the American Legion who went on (1931-33) to be the state’s Democratic Governor and later (1936-40) U.S. Secretary of War; by Helen Coolidge Woodring, 53, daughter of onetime Massachusetts Senator Marcus Coolidge; after 27 years of marriage, three children; in Topeka, Kans.

Died. Leonard Warren, 48, topnotch U.S. baritone; of a stroke; on stage at the Metropolitan Opera (see Music).

Died. Melvin Horace Purvis, 56, wiry (about 130 lbs.) South Carolina lawyer who joined the FBI in 1927, chased car thieves in Texas, pursued minor thugs in Oklahoma, finally became chief investigator for the Chicago area and made the headlines when he bungled a 1934 Wisconsin showdown with Public Enemy John Dillinger (G-men shot two innocent men, killing one), but got Dillinger three months later in a trap outside a Chicago theater, also led the posse that shot down Pretty Boy Floyd; by his own hand (pistol); in Florence, S.C.

Died. Herbert Romulus O’Conor, 63, Maryland Democrat, two-term Governor (1939-47), U.S. Senator (1947-53) who succeeded Estes Kefauver as chairman of the Senate Crime Investigation Committee, hunted Reds in government, the U.N. and the American Bar Association, advocated blackballing lawyers who pleaded the Fifth Amendment, retired from the Senate to campaign against the Truman Administration, which he considered “soft on Communism”; of a heart attack; in Baltimore.

Died. Walter Yust, 65, tall, stooped, onetime newsman (Philadelphia Evening Ledger and Press) and literary editor (Philadelphia Public Ledger), longtime (from 1938 to last month) editor in chief of all Encyclopaedia Britannica publications; of a heart attack; in Evanston, Ill.

Died. Brigadier General (ret.) William Irving Westervelt, 83, Texas-born artillery expert who recommended in the early ’20s the modernization of field weapons finally undertaken at the beginning of World War II, retired in 1927 to direct research for Sears, Roebuck & Co.; in Brattleboro, Vt.

Died. Reginald (“Rex”) Brasher, 91, Brooklyn-born gambler, adventurer, painter-ornithologist whose 874 plates include every known type of North American bird, outnumbering by far the work of his predecessor, John James Audubon; in New Milford, Conn.

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