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South Africa: A Day at the Stadium

2 minute read

One of the few ways that South Africa’s hapless blacks and coloreds have to express their dismay at apartheid is to boo vigorously the all-white home teams at international sports contests. In 1955 the unpatriotic favoritism of nonwhites at a rugby game with Great Britain at Bloemfontein brought about a racial slugfest that resulted in a ten-year ban on black and colored spectators in that city; five years ago, a similar clash forced officials to halt a South Africa-Britain soccer match in Johannesburg’s Rand Stadium.

None of these feuds matched the battle from which Port Elizabeth was recovering last week. There 50,000 white fans were on hand to watch South Africa’s Springboks face Australia in the final match of this year’s rugger world series; South Africa, which has held the championship for nearly 50 years, was behind two games to one. This was quite all right with the crowd of 5,000 nonwhites, which inside its segregated enclosure felt no sympathy for the locals. With the visitors ahead in this final match, the nonwhites cheered so loudly that the puzzled Australian players were taken aback.

Then, with 18 minutes to play, South Africa bounced back to tie the score—and the black bleachers exploded in a roar of anguish. Nonwhites began pouring over their fence onto the field, hurling bottles and bricks. Police with drawn clubs rushed them, joined by volunteer whites. A white farmer emptied his pistol into the air.

On the field, South African Forward Dick Putter was cut in the mouth by one missile, and as a bottle spun toward Referee Piet Myburgh, a husky Australian saved him with a flying tackle. After play resumed, South Africa won, 22 to 6. The score among the spectators: six whites and 20 nonwhites hospitalized, two nonwhites arrested, 40 cars in the parking lot damaged from rocks rained onto them from the black stands.

Possibly hinting that nonwhites may be barred from all stadiums, Foreign Minister Eric Louw thundered that “active measures are necessary to prevent this sort of thing,” which, he complained, “is giving South Africa a bad name overseas.” As for Port Elizabeth, the authorities there decided that the wise course would be to sell no more beverages in bottles—and to double the admission price for nonwhites at future games.

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